BD65496MUV Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier

Pololu item #: 2960
Brand: Pololu
Status: Rationed (Active) 
RoHS 3 compliant

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1 11.95

This compact breakout board for ROHM’s BD65496MUV motor driver offers an operating voltage range of 2 V to 16 V and can deliver a continuous 1.2 A (5 A peak for a few milliseconds) to a single brushed DC motor. The motor driver features variable switching speed, allowing for PWM frequencies up to 500 kHz, two drive mode options, and built-in under-voltage and over-temperature protection; our carrier also adds reverse-voltage protection.

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Size: 0.6″ × 0.6″1
Weight: 0.6 g1

General specifications

Motor driver: BD65496MUV
Motor channels: 1
Minimum operating voltage: 2 V
Maximum operating voltage: 16 V
Continuous output current per channel: 1.2 A
Peak output current per channel: 5 A2
Maximum PWM frequency: 500 kHz3
Minimum logic voltage: 2.5 V
Maximum logic voltage: 5.5 V
Reverse voltage protection?: Y

Identifying markings

PCB dev codes: md28a
Other PCB markings: 0J8950


Without included hardware.
For no longer than 10 ms; duty cycle < 5%.
TR1 and TR2 low.

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