LPS25HB Pressure/Altitude Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator
This carrier for ST’s LPS25HB digital barometer measures pressures from 260 mbar to 1260 mbar (26 kPa to 126 kPa) with absolute accuracy down to ±1 mbar (0.1 kPa), or ±0.2 mbar (0.02 kPa) with calibration, and typical RMS noise of 0.01 mbar (1 Pa) in high-resolution mode. These pressures can easily be converted to altitudes. The board has a 3.3 V linear regulator and integrated level shifters that allow it to work over an input voltage range of 2.5 V to 5.5 V, and the 0.1″ pin spacing makes it easy to use with standard solderless breadboards and 0.1″ perfboards. The sensor offers I²C and SPI interfaces.
This product is a drop-in replacement for the original LPS25H pressure sensor carrier.
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File downloads
Datasheet for the ST LPS25HB MEMS pressure sensor (2MB pdf)
Note: the LPS25HB is a functionally equivalent replacement for the LPS25H.
Schematic diagram of the LPS25HB Pressure/Altitude Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator (71k pdf)
Dimension diagram of the LPS25HB Pressure/Altitude Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator (230k pdf)
3D model of the LPS25HB Pressure/Altitude Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator (4MB step)
Drill guide for the LPS25HB Pressure/Altitude Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator (20k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Application note AN4672: hardware guidelines for system integration of the LPS25HB (1MB pdf)
Technical note TN1228: How to interpret LPS25HB pressure and temperature readings (187k pdf)
UM10204 I²C-bus specification and user manual (1MB pdf)
The official specification for the I²C-bus, which is maintained by NXP.
Recommended links
LPS Arduino library
This is a library for the Arduino that interfaces with our LPS22DF, LPS25HB, LPS25H, and LPS331AP pressure/altitude sensor carriers as well as the pressure sensors on the various AltIMU-10 modules, which can be found here. It makes it simple to read the raw pressure data from the sensor, and it provides functions to help calculate altitude based on the measured pressure.
LPS25HB documentation and resources
ST’s product page for the LPS25HB piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor (260 – 1260 hPa) and digital output barometer (I2C, SPI), with links to its most up-to-date datasheet, application notes, and other resources.