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UM7 Orientation Sensor
The UM7 orientation sensor from Redshift Labs is an Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) that contains a three-axis accelerometer, rate gyro, and magnetometer. It combines this data using an Extended Kalman Filter to produce attitude and heading estimates.
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File downloads
UM7 datasheet (1MB pdf)
Datasheet for the Redshift Labs UM7 orientation sensor, revision 1.8 (released July 30, 2018).
Redshift Serial Interface Software (77MB zip)
Version 3.1.5. The Serial Interface makes it easy to plot data in real-time, log data, and set configuration registers on the UM7 product line. Any Redshift Labs / CH Robotics device that communicates using the CHR binary serial protocol can be controlled using the Serial Interface.
Redshift Serial Interface.
Graph of gyro readings displayed by the Redshift Serial Interface connected to a UM7 orientation sensor.
AN1005 – Understanding Euler Angles (255k pdf)
AN1006 – Understanding Quaternions (57k pdf)
AN1007 – Estimating Position and Velocity Using Accelerometers (43k pdf)
AN1008 – Sensors used for Orientation Estimation (127k pdf)
Example Matlab communication code (4k zip)
Mounting hole locations for the new UM7 enclosure released September 2021 (15k dwg)
This DWG drawing shows the locations of the mounting holes on the bottom side of the UM7 enclosure. The holes are threaded for M1.4 screws, and we recommend screwing no more than 3 mm (0.12″) into the mounting holes.
Note: this drawing is only applicable to UM7 units (product #2764) with the updated enclosure design that began shipping in September 2021.