Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
The Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer with an ARM processor that can run Linux. This item is the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, which has 1 GB of RAM, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.1, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), an Ethernet port, HDMI output, audio output, RCA composite video output (through the 3.5 mm jack), four USB ports, and 0.1″-spaced pins that provide access to general purpose inputs and outputs (GPIO). The Raspberry Pi requires a microSD card with an operating system on it (not included). The Raspberry Pi is very popular, with lots of example projects and information available online.
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Technical, help and resource documents for the Raspberry Pi
This listing of useful resources from the Raspberry Pi foundation includes a quick-start guide, tutorials, datasheets, and schematics.
Raspberry Pi Resources
Free resources to teach, learn, and make with Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B official product description page