UM6 r2 Ultra-Miniature Orientation Sensor

Pololu item #: 2723

This product has been discontinued.

This product has been replaced by the higher-performance UM7 orientation sensor.

The UM6 r2 ultra-miniature orientation sensor from CH Robotics uses rate gyros, accelerometers, magnetic sensors, and an onboard 32-bit ARM Cortex processor to compute sensor orientation 500 times per second. Sensor orientation is reported using either quaternions or Euler angles over a TTL serial interface at user-customizable rates. The UM6 was designed specifically to be easy to use—an external enclosure protects sensitive electronics, and connectors make it easy to interface with the sensor without making solder connections to the sensor itself.

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CHR-UM6 r2 orientation sensor.

CHR-UM6 r2 orientation sensor with included cable and U.S. quarter for size reference.

CHR-UM6 orientation sensor, bottom view.

Graph of all three Euler angles displayed by the CH Robotics Serial Interface connected to a CHR-UM6 orientation sensor.

Graph of quaternions displayed by the CH Robotics Serial Interface connected to a CHR-UM6 orientation sensor.

CH Robotics Serial Interface.

Cable included with the CHR-UM6 orientation sensor.

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