Addressable Through-Hole 8mm RGB LED with Diffused Lens, WS2811 Driver (10-Pack)

Pololu item #: 2536
Brand: Unspecified
RoHS 3 compliant

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 4.95
5 4.65
25 4.37
100 4.11

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This 10-pack of 8 mm through-hole RGB LEDs offers an easy way to add colorful and complex lighting effects to a project. Each diffused LED features an integrated WS2811 driver that operates at 5 V and is controlled through a high-speed one-wire digital interface that allows multiple LEDs to be connected together to form a chain of addressable RGB LEDs.

Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): LED diameter Select variant…

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Two different sizes of addressable RGB LED. From left to right, their diameters are: 5 mm (#2535) and 8 mm (#2536).

A chain of addressable RGB LEDs (#2535 and #2536) on a breadboard, controlled by an A-Star 32U4 Micro.

Two addressable RGB LEDs (#2535 and #2536) on a breadboard, controlled by an A-Star 32U4 Micro.

Pinout of 5 mm and 8 mm addressable RGB WS2811 LEDs with diffused lenses.

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