Sensors » Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors » Older QTR Sensors »
QTR-3A Reflectance Sensor Array
This compact module packs three IR LED/phototransistor pairs onto a 1.25″ × 0.3″ board. The sensors are mounted on a 0.375″ pitch, making this array a great minimal sensing solution for a line-following robot. Each sensor provides a separate analog voltage output.
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Apeiros robot Kickstarter
- 15 July 2014Abe Howell posted to our forum about a Kickstarter campaign for a robot he calls Apeiros. It is an open-source robot he designed as a teaching tool...
Paul's dead reckoning robot
- 1 April 2014This post is about my first-place entry in the 2014 LVBots Dead Reckoning Competition, a 150 mm round robot named paul-dead-reckoning2.88ec5df. I...