DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, High Current (md20a)

Pololu item #: 2132

This product has been discontinued.

This product has been replaced by the DRV8825 stepper motor driver carrier.

This original version of our DRV8825 stepper motor driver carrier has been replaced by a newer version that can more easily be used as a drop-in replacement for our A4988 stepper motor driver carriers. The only difference is that the newer version connects the sleep and fault lines through a resistor, making it more straightforward to use in very specific situations described in more detail on the product page. Generally speaking, most users should not notice any difference between the two driver versions.

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DRV8825 stepper motor driver carrier.

DRV8825 stepper motor driver carrier with included hardware.

Minimal wiring diagram for connecting a microcontroller to a DRV8825 stepper motor driver carrier (full-step mode).

Schematic diagram of the md20a DRV8825 stepper motor driver carrier.

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Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 20×30mm, 3.9V, 0.6 A/Phase
Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 28×32mm, 3.8V, 0.67 A/Phase
Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 28×45mm, 4.5V, 0.67 A/Phase
Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 35×26mm, 7.4V, 0.28 A/Phase
Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 35×28mm, 10V, 0.5 A/Phase
Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 35×36mm, 2.7V, 1 A/Phase
Stepper Motor: Unipolar/Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 42×48mm, 4V, 1.2 A/Phase
Sanyo Pancake Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 42×18.6mm, 5.4V, 1 A/Phase

Related Categories

DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carriers, High Current
Stepper Motor Drivers
Stepper Motors
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