LPS331AP Pressure/Altitude Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator

Pololu item #: 2126
Brand: Pololu
Status: Clearance 
RoHS 3 compliant

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1 3.95
5 3.63
25 3.34
100 3.08

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This carrier for ST’s LPS331AP digital barometer measures pressures from 260 mbar to 1260 mbar (26 kPa to 126 kPa) with absolute pressure accuracy over temperature down to ±2 mbar (0.2 kPa) and typical RMS noise of 0.02 mbar (0.002 kPa) in high-resolution mode. These pressures can easily be converted to altitudes. The board has a 3.3 V linear regulator and integrated level shifters that allow it to work over an input voltage range of 2.5 V to 5.5 V, and the 0.1″ pin spacing makes it easy to use with standard solderless breadboards and 0.1″ perfboards. The sensor offers I²C and SPI interfaces.

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LPS331AP pressure/altitude sensor carrier with voltage regulator.

LPS331AP pressure/altitude sensor carrier with voltage regulator, bottom view with dimensions.

LPS331AP pressure/altitude sensor carrier with voltage regulator, labeled top view.

LPS331AP pressure/altitude sensor carrier with voltage regulator with included optional headers.

LPS331AP pressure/altitude sensor carrier with voltage regulator in a breadboard.

LPS331AP pressure/altitude sensor carrier with voltage regulator schematic diagram.

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