Snap Circuits Jr. 100-in-1 SC-100
Snap Circuits Jr. 100-in-1 includes over 30 plastic parts and over 100 sample projects. The snap-together electronic blocks are mounted on plastic pieces that can be used again and again to form many exciting and educational circuits.
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File downloads
Snap Circuits Projects 1-101 (4MB pdf)
This manual includes 102 different projects that teach the fundamental principles of electric circuits.
Snap Circuits Projects 102-305 (11MB pdf)
This manual includes 204 different projects that teach the fundamental principles of electric circuits.
Snap Circuit Projects 306-511 (8MB pdf)
This manual includes 206 different projects that teach the fundamental principles of electric circuits.
Snap Circuits Designer (599k doc)
This Word document lets you drag and drop Snap Circuits parts to illustrate your own circuits.
Recommended links
Snap Circuits Kid Kreations
A list of additional user-created Snap Circuits.
Engineering the Future
Engineering the Future: Science, Technology, and the Design Process is a full-year course designed to introduce students to the world of technology and engineering. Project 4.0 in the curriculum uses Snap Circuits.