Evaluation Board for Si4703 FM Tuner
This is an evaluation board from SparkFun for the Silicon Laboratories Si4703 FM tuner chip. Beyond being a simple FM radio, the Si4703 is also capable of detecting and processing both Radio Data Service (RDS) and Radio Broadcast Data Service (RBDS) information. The Si4703 does filtering, carrier detection and captures data such as the station ID and song name.
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File downloads
Datasheet for the Si4702 FM tuner (322k pdf)
Datasheet for the TPA6111A2 audio amplifier (1MB pdf)
Example Arduino code for the Si4703 FM tuner carrier (19k pde)
Evaluation Board for Si4703 FM Tuner Eagle files. (40k zip)
Eagle files for the Evaluation Board for Si4703 FM Tuner.
Evaluation Board for Si4703 FM Tuner schematic (34k pdf)
Schematic for the Evaluation Board for Si4703 FM Tuner.