Parallax BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit - Serial (with USB adapter and cable) #27207

Pololu item #: 1601
Brand: Parallax

This product has been discontinued.

This product has been replaced by a newer USB version.

This older serial version of the Parallax BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit has replaced by a newer USB version, which has a built-in USB interface instead of relying on a separate USB-to-serial adapter. Other than this, the two Discovery Kits are identical.

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Selection of parts included in the BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit.

The Board of Education development board included in the BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit and Boe-Bot Robot Kit.

Parallax BASIC Stamp 2 Module #BS2-IC.

Parallax USB-to-Serial (RS-232) adapter #28030.

The What’s a Microcontroller? text included with the BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit.

The BASIC Stamp manual included with the BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit.

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