Sensors » Proximity Sensors and Range Finders » Sharp Distance Sensors »
Sharp/Socle GP2Y0A21YK0F Analog Distance Sensor 10-80cm
The GP2Y0A21 Sharp distance sensor is a great way to add obstacle avoidance or motion sensing to your robot or any other project. With a detection range of 4″ to 32″ (10 cm to 80 cm) and an analog voltage indicating the distance, this sensor is very easy to use.
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Sharp Analog Distance Sensors with 3-Pin JST PH Connectors or
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Arduino library for Sharp distance sensors
- 6 April 2017Julien de la Bruère-Terreault (also known as DrGFreeman on the Pololu Forum, creator of the Custom Mini Sumo robot and the Romi and Raspberry Pi...
New products: Brackets for Sharp GP2Y0A02, GP2Y0A21, and GP2Y0A41 distance sensors
- 6 November 2014Our new stamped aluminum L-brackets are specifically designed for Sharp’s popular analog GP2Y0A02, GP2Y0A21, and GP2Y0A41 distance sensors, making...
Maker Faire demo: Simple Motor Controller and Sharp analog distance sensor
- 18 April 2014The Las Vegas Mini Maker Faire 2014 was on April 5th, and as you might have heard, we had a booth there with demos of our products. For more about...