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Wixel Programmable USB Wireless Module (Fully Assembled)
The Pololu Wixel is a general-purpose programmable module featuring a 2.4 GHz radio and USB. You can write your own software or load precompiled, open-source apps onto the TI CC2511F32 microcontroller at the heart of the Wixel, turning it into a wireless serial link, data logger, or whatever you need for your current project. With 29 KB of available flash and 4 KB of RAM, the Wixel is even suitable as the main controller for a robot or other system. This version ships with 0.1" male header pins installed as shown.
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Description | Specs (11) | Pictures (10) | Resources (21) | FAQs (2) | On the blog (5) | Distributors (0) |
Documentation and other information
Pololu Wixel User’s Guide (Printable PDF)
User’s manual for the Pololu Wixel.
Sample Project: Wixel USB Joystick
This guide shows how the Joystick App for the Wixel can be used to convert a non-USB joystick into a USB device.
File downloads
Wixel Windows Drivers and Software (release 121129) (12MB zip)
This ZIP archive contains the installation files for the Wixel Configuration Utility, the Wixel command-line utility (WixelCmd), and the required USB drivers for Microsoft Windows.
Wixel Development Bundle for Windows (version 120127) (10MB exe)
This bundle contains all the software you need to get started developing your own Wixel apps in Windows: a copy of the Wixel SDK, the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC), the Pololu GNU Build Utilities, and the Notepad++ Text Editor.
Wixel Software for i686-linux-gnu (release 110623) (211k gz)
This tar/gzip archive contains the binary executable files for the Wixel Configuration Utility and the Wixel command-line utility (wixelcmd) for Linux i686-linux-gnu (32-bit).
Wixel Software for x86_64-linux-gnu (release 240412) (224k gz)
This tar/gzip archive contains the binary executable files for the Wixel Configuration Utility and the Wixel command-line utility (wixelcmd) for x86_64-linux-gnu (64-bit).
Wixel Software for arm-linux-gnueabihf (release 150527) (206k gz)
This tar/gzip archive contains the binary executable files for the Wixel Configuration Utility and the Wixel command-line utility (wixelcmd) for arm-linux-gnueabihf.
Wixel Software for Mac OS X (release 180411) (10MB dmg)
This disk image contains the binary executable files for the Wixel Configuration Utility and the Wixel command-line utility (wixelcmd) for Mac OS X.
Wixel Pinout and Peripherals (145k pdf)
Printable labeled pinout and peripheral diagram of the Pololu Wixel (actual size). This diagram makes a handy reference when working with the Wixel, and it is small enough to fit on a business card.
Wixel schematic diagram (51k pdf)
Printable schematic diagram of the Pololu Wixel.
Wixel EAGLE Library (5k lbr)
Customer-made EAGLE PCB library for the Wixel (by mmcp42).
Pololu Wixel guia de usuario (1MB pdf)
A Spanish version of the Pololu Wixel user’s guide, provided by customer Jaume B.
Dimension diagram of the Wixel Programmable USB Wireless Module (168k pdf)
3D model of the Wixel Programmable USB Wireless Module (8MB step)
Drill guide for Wixel Programmable USB Wireless Module (43k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Recommended links
Wixel SDK Documentation
The Wixel SDK contains source code (for libraries and applications) that will help you develop your own applications for the Wixel. This SDK is included in the Wixel Development Bundle.
Pololu Wixel SDK Repository on GitHub
This is where we publish the latest Wixel SDK code and documentation, and it is the central location for sharing source code with the Wixel community.
Texas Instruments CC2511 product page
Texas Instruments product page for the CC2510Fx/CC2511Fx microcontrollers, where you can find the latest datasheet and additional resources for the CC2511F32, which is used on the Wixel and features a 2.4 GHz radio transceiver, 32 KB of flash memory, and a full-speed USB interface.
SDCC – Small Device C Compiler
This is a free compiler that is used to compile the code in the Wixel SDK. This compiler is included in the Wixel Development Bundle.
Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports syntax highlighting of C source files. This program is included in the Wixel Development Bundle.
Instructable: Introducing the Wixel USB Wireless Module
A customer-written Instructable that introduces the reader to the Wixel through a series of basic projects. By Michael Oz, May 2011.