66-Channel LS20031 GPS Receiver Module (MT3329 Chipset)

Pololu item #: 1249

This product has been discontinued.

This product has been replaced by the 66-Channel LS20031 GPS Receiver Module.

The Locosys LS20031 GPS receiver integrates a MediaTek MT3329 66-channel GPS chip with a ceramic antenna to create a complete GPS module that can track up to 66 GPS satellites at a time.

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LS20031 GPS receiver module top view with quarter for size reference.

LS20031 GPS receiver module bottom view.

GPSFox windows application showing data from an LS20031 module inside Pololu’s offices.

Mini GPS application showing data from an LS20031 module inside Pololu’s offices.

The Mini GPS application setup tab allows you to configure the LS20031 GPS receiver module.

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