Rechargeable NiMH AAA Battery: 1.2 V, 900 mAh, 1 cell

Pololu item #: 1002
Brand: Generic
RoHS 3 compliant

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 1.95
5 1.83
25 1.72

This is a generic rechargeable AAA NiMH battery with a capacity of 900 mAh. These batteries are well-suited for powering small- to medium-sized robots and can be used with our AAA battery holders. You will need to charge these batteries before you first use them.

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Battery color may differ from what is shown in the main product picture.

Note: You will need to charge these batteries before you first use them. We recommend basic AAA chargers (into which you stick the individual cells) available at most general electronics stores, though we carry a much fancier iMAX-B6AC V2 balance charger/discharger that can be also used for this.

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