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9.3. Enabling Inversion

This section gives steps for enabling inversion while still using the default threshold of 1696 μs. The general configuration procedure is documented in Section 9.1, but the instructions here are easier to follow if you just want to enable inversion and are happy with the default threshold value. To follow these instructions, you will need to know how to connect and disconnect the learning mode jumper, as described in Section 9.

  1. Since you don’t want to set the threshold, you should stop sending RC pulses to the device. If you are controlling the switch with an RC receiver, you might need to power off the transmitter and power cycle the receiver. If possible, you could just disconnect the wire going to the RC IN pin.
  2. Get the device into learning mode. In order to do this, power off the device, connect the learning mode jumper, and then power it on. After it is powered on, you should disconnect the learning mode jumper. At this point, you will see the indicator LED fading in and out with a period of 1 second.
  3. Tap the learning mode jumper (connect it and then disconnect it). The indicator LED should be blinking with a 50% duty cycle and a period of 0.5 to indicate that there is no signal being received. If you see it doing a pattern where it fades in and then blinks, then you are still sending pulses to the device. You should figure out how to stop sending pulses, and start over at step 1.
  4. Tap the learning mode jumper again. The LED should now be fading in repeatedly with a period of 1 s.
  5. Tap the learning mode jumper again. The LED should start fading out repeatedly with a period of 1 s.
  6. Power off the device to exit learning mode.

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