1. Introduction

The Atmel AVR ATmega328P is part of the mega48/mega88/mega168 series of microcontrollers, which are used on the Orangutan Robot Controllers, Arduino boards, and in many other robot controllers and individual electronics projects. The mega328 has twice as much program (Flash) memory, RAM, and EEPROM as the mega168, while keeping the same architecture and pinout as the earlier chips. This means that most projects based on the earlier processors can be easily upgraded to the 328, making it possible to fit more complex programs or deal with more much more data.

Note: The newer AVR ATmega328PB improves on the ATmega328P by adding more pins and peripherals. This chip is available on our A-Star 328PB Micro.

GCC support for the mega328P

The following systems have compiler support for the ATmega328 included:

  • Microsoft Windows with Microchip Studio (or AVR Studio and WinAVR)
  • Microsoft Windows, Linux, or macOS with the Arduino IDE
  • Microsoft Windows, Linux, or macOS with MPLAB X 5.05 or later
  • Ubuntu Linux versions 8.10 (intrepid) and up
  • Fedora 9 updates / Fedora Development
  • Debian Linux 5.0.0 (lenny) and up

If you are using a system without 328P support, it is possible to install the latest version of the compiler and related tools from source by following the step-by-step instructions in Section 3.

AVRDUDE support for the mega328P

The popular AVR programming software AVRDUDE includes support for the mega328 in version 5.6 and up.

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