4. Software

The final step is to insert fresh batteries into your 3pi and use an AVR ISP programmer (like our USB AVR programmer) to program it with the following code. For information on programming your 3pi, please visit the programming your 3pi section of the 3pi robot user’s guide.

You can download the AVR Studio project with the already compiled hex file here: 3piRC.zip (38k zip)

 * RC 3pi
 * This 3pi robot program reads two standard radio-control (RC) channels and mixes 
 * them into motor control. Channel zero (connected to the PD0 input) 
 * handles forward and reverse, and channel one (connected to the 
 * PC5 input) handles turning.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <pololu/3pi.h>

 * Receiver pulse timings
 * Standard RC receivers output high pulses between 0.5 ms and 2.5 ms with a neutral
 * position of about 1.5 ms. If your RC receiver operates with different pulse
 * widths, change these constants below.
 * The units of these constants is ticks of Timer1 which is set to tick every 3.2
 * microseconds.
const int minPulseTime     = 156;  // 0.5 ms
const int neutralPulseTime = 469;  // 1.5 ms
const int maxPulseTime     = 782;  // 2.5ms
const int maxLowPulseTime  = 3000; // 9.6ms

struct ChannelStruct
	volatile unsigned int prevTime;
	volatile unsigned int lowDur;
	volatile unsigned int highDur;
	volatile unsigned char newPulse;

	unsigned int pulse;
	unsigned char error;

struct ChannelStruct ch[2];

 * Pin Change interrupts
 * PCI0 triggers on PCINT7..0
 * PCI1 triggers on PCINT14..8
 * PCI2 triggers on PCINT23..16
 * PCMSK2, PCMSK1, PCMSK0 registers control which pins contribute.
 * The following table is useful:
 * AVR pin    PCINT #            PCI #
 * ---------  -----------------  -----
 * PB0 - PB5  PCINT0 - PCINT5    PCI0
 * PC0 - PC5  PCINT8 - PCINT13   PCI1
 * PD0 - PD7  PCINT16 - PCINT23  PCI2

// This interrupt service routine is for the channel connected to PD0
	// Save a snapshot of PIND at the current time
	unsigned char pind = PIND;
	unsigned int time = TCNT1;

	if (pind & (1 << PORTD0)) 
		// PD0 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[0].lowDur = time - ch[0].prevTime;
		// PD0 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[0].highDur = time - ch[0].prevTime;
		ch[0].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[0].prevTime = time;

// This interrupt service routine is for the channel connected to PC5
	// Save a snapshot of PINC at the current time
	unsigned char pinc = PINC;
	unsigned int time = TCNT1;

	if (pinc & (1 << PORTC5))
		// PC5 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[1].lowDur = time - ch[1].prevTime;
		// PC5 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[1].highDur = time - ch[1].prevTime;
		ch[1].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[1].prevTime = time;

 * updateChannels ensures the recevied signals are valid, and if they are valid 
 * it stores the most recent high pulse for each channel.
void updateChannels()
	unsigned char i;

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		cli(); // Disable interrupts
		if (TCNT1 - ch[i].prevTime > 35000)
			// The pulse is too long (longer than 112 ms); register an error 
			// before it causes possible problems.
			ch[i].error = 5; // wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal

		sei(); // Enable interrupts

		if (ch[i].newPulse)
			cli(); // Disable interrupts while reading highDur and lowDur
			ch[i].newPulse = 0;
			unsigned int highDuration = ch[i].highDur;
			unsigned int lowDuration = ch[i].lowDur;
			sei(); // Enable interrupts

			ch[i].pulse = 0;

			if (lowDuration < maxLowPulseTime ||
				highDuration < minPulseTime ||		
				highDuration > maxPulseTime)
				// The low pulse was too short or the high pulse was too long or too short
				ch[i].error = 5; // Wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal
				// Wait for error number of good pulses
				if (ch[i].error)
					// Save the duration of the high pulse for use in the channel mixing
					// calculation below
					ch[i].pulse = highDuration; 

int main()
	ch[0].error = 5; // Wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal
	ch[1].error = 5; 

	DDRD &= ~(1 << PORTD0);	// Set pin PD0 as an input
	PORTD |= 1 << PORTD0;	// Enable pull-up on pin PD0 so that it isn't floating
	DDRC &= ~(1 << PORTC5); // Set pin PC5 as an input
	PORTC |= 1 << PORTC5;	// Enable pull-up on pin PC5 so that it isn't floating
	delay_ms(1);			// Give the pull-up voltage time to rise
	PCMSK1 = (1 << PORTC5);	// Set pin-change interrupt mask for pin PC5
	PCMSK2 = (1 << PORTD0);	// Set pin-change interrupt mask for pin PD0
	PCIFR = 0xFF;			// Clear all pin-change interrupt flags
	PCICR = 0x06;			// Enable pin-change interrupt for masked pins of PORTD
							//  and PORTC; disable pin-change interrupts for PORTB
	sei();					// Interrupts are off by default so enable them

	TCCR1B = 0x03;	// Timer 1 ticks at 20MHz/64 = 312.5kHz (1 tick per 3.2us)

	while (1) // Loop forever

		// Every 100 ms display the pulse timings on the LCD
		// this is good for debugging your RC 3pi but not necessary if
		// you remove the LCD
		if (get_ms() % 100 == 0) 
			lcd_goto_xy(0, 0);
			print("ch1 ");
			// Multiplying by 32/10 converts ticks to microseconds
			print_unsigned_long(ch[0].pulse * 32 / 10);  
			print("    ");
			lcd_goto_xy(0, 1);
			print("ch2 ");
			print_unsigned_long(ch[1].pulse * 32 / 10);

		if (ch[0].error || ch[1].error)
			// If either channel is not getting a good signal, stop
			set_motors(0, 0);
			 * Mix calculation
			 * This calculation mixes the pulses from the two channels 
			 * to make control intuitive. Channel 0 controls foward and 
			 * reverse. When the pulse is longer than neutralPulseTime it
			 * adds to m1 and m2; when the pulse is shorter than nuetralPulseTime
			 * it subtracts from m1 and m2. Channel 1 controls rotation. When the
			 * pulse is longer than neutralPulseTime it subtracts from m1 and adds
			 * to m2; when the pulse is shorter than neutralPulseTime it adds to m1 
			 * and subtracts from m2. m1 and m2 are then scaled so they fit within 
			 * -255 to 255 range.
			 * Calibration
			 * Your transmitter/receiver might treat channels 0 and 1 differently 
			 * than the receiver this code was developed for. If your 3pi turns 
			 * when you expect it to go straight or vice versa, you may need to flip 
			 * a sign in the calculation below or swap the connections at the receiver.
			long m1 = (neutralPulseTime - (int)ch[0].pulse) + 
                      ((int)ch[1].pulse - neutralPulseTime);
			long m2 = (neutralPulseTime - (int)ch[0].pulse) - 
                      ((int)ch[1].pulse - neutralPulseTime);
			m1 = m1 * 255 / minPulseTime;
			m2 = m2 * 255 / minPulseTime;
			set_motors(m1, m2);

    // This part of the code is never reached.  A robot should
    // never reach the end of its program, or unpredictable behavior
    // will result as random code starts getting executed.  If you
    // really want to stop all actions at some point, set your motors
    // to 0,0 and run the following command to loop forever:
	// set_motors(0,0);
    // while(1);

Please note that individual transmitter/receiver systems vary, so you might need to modify this code some before it will work well with your particular system. If you run the program with the LCD connected, it will report back the duration of the pulses it’s detecting on each channel in microseconds. You can then use the trim settings on your transmitter to adjust the neutral points to 1.5 ms, or you can modify the neutral points in the code. You also might want to characterize the ranges of the pulses and adjust the motor speed scaling so that the motors reach full speed when the transmitter sticks are at their full extents. Lastly, you might need to change some of the signs in the channel mixing formulas so that the robot responds intuitively (e.g. so that it turns left rather than right when you move the stick left).

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