Programming Orangutans and the 3pi Robot from the Arduino Environment

Arduino IDE with the Orangutan LV-168 and Baby Orangutan B superimposed over it.

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1. Introduction
2. ATmega168/328-Arduino Pin Mapping
2.a. Orangutan SV-xx8 and LV-168 Pin Mappings
2.b. Baby Orangutan B Pin Mappings
2.c. 3pi Robot Pin Mappings
3. Configuring the Arduino Environment
4. Using the Arduino IDE: Blinking an LED
5. Arduino Libraries for the Orangutan and 3pi Robot
5.a. OrangutanAnalog - Analog Input Library
5.b. OrangutanBuzzer - High-Level Buzzer Control Library
5.c. OrangutanLCD - LCD Control Library
5.d. OrangutanLEDs - LED Control Library
5.e. OrangutanMotors - Motor Control Library
5.f. OrangutanPushbuttons - Pushbutton Interface Library
5.g. Pololu3pi - Sensor Library for the 3pi Robot

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