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Pololu distributor: Robomaa.com Oy (Finland)
This page shows just a single distributor. For a complete list, see our full distributors page or all 2 distributors in Finland.
Contact information
Robomaa.com Oy
Innopark, A-talo
Visamäentie 33
13100 Hämeenlinna
Tel: +358 50 5630 690
Distributor website
Purchased products
This distributor has ordered 16 different Pololu products over the last year; see the distributor website for availability. Here is the list of purchased products:
#350 270-Point Breadboard
#352 830-Point Breadboard
#1156 6-AA Battery Holder, Back-to-Back
#2485 Pololu Basic 2-Channel SPDT Relay Carrier with 5VDC Relays (Assembled)
#2640 Stranded Wire: Black, 22 AWG, 50 Feet
#2644 Stranded Wire: Yellow, 22 AWG, 50 Feet
#2645 Stranded Wire: Green, 22 AWG, 50 Feet
#2646 Stranded Wire: Blue, 22 AWG, 50 Feet
#2649 Stranded Wire: White, 22 AWG, 50 Feet
#2672 Pololu Aluminum Scooter Wheel Adapter for 4mm Shaft
#3134 Tic T500 USB Multi-Interface Stepper Motor Controller (Connectors Soldered)
#3275 Scooter/Skate Wheel 84×24mm - Black
#4000 Pololu 400-Point Breadboard with Mounting Holes
#4575 Ribbon Cable with Pre-Crimped Terminals 10-Color F-F 6" (15 cm)
#4576 Ribbon Cable with Pre-Crimped Terminals 10-Color M-F 6" (15 cm)
#4577 Ribbon Cable with Pre-Crimped Terminals 10-Color M-M 6" (15 cm)