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Pololu distributor: SkyKof Robotics (Mexico)
This page shows just a single distributor. For a complete list, see our full distributors page or all 11 distributors in Mexico.
Contact information
SkyKof Robotics
Carolina 27 (a 7 min. de metro 18 de marzo y potrero)
Col. Industrial, Gustavo A. Madero
Ciudad de México, CDMX 07800
Tel: 55 2313 6743
Distributor website
Purchased products
This distributor has ordered 15 different Pololu products over the last year; see the distributor website for availability. Here is the list of purchased products:
#1084 Pololu Stamped Aluminum L-Bracket Pair for 37D mm Metal Gearmotors
#1902 0.1" (2.54mm) Crimp Connector Housing: 1x3-Pin 25-Pack
#1929 Crimping Tool: 0.08-0.5 mm² Capacity, 20-28 AWG
#1930 Female Crimp Pins for 0.1" Housings 100-Pack
#1934 JST RCY Connector Pack, Female
#1935 JST RCY Connector Pack, Male
#2175 XT60 Connector Male-Female Pair, Yellow
#2630 Stranded Wire: Black, 24 AWG, 60 Feet
#2632 Stranded Wire: Red, 24 AWG, 60 Feet
#2639 Stranded Wire: White, 24 AWG, 60 Feet
#2803 Pololu RC Switch with Medium Low-Side MOSFET
#2804 Pololu RC Switch with Relay (Assembled)
#3598 RoboClaw 2x200A, 60VDC Motor Controller
#4741 19:1 Metal Gearmotor 37Dx52L mm 12V (Helical Pinion)
#4756 131:1 Metal Gearmotor 37Dx73L mm 12V with 64 CPR Encoder (Helical Pinion)