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Pololu distributor: Deryuan Technology (Taiwan)
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Contact information
Deryuan Technology
"OCEANSKY TECHNOLOGY":http://www.oceansky-technology.com
1F., No.81, Sec. 1, Baofu Rd., Yonghe City
Taipei County 234
Tel: (02)32337877
Mobile: 0933-807-110
Fax: (02)29283008
Distributor website
Purchased products
This distributor has ordered 18 different Pololu products over the last year; see the distributor website for availability. Here is the list of purchased products:
#1353 Mini Maestro 12-Channel USB Servo Controller (Partial Kit)
#2130 DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier
#2134 DRV8834 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
#2135 DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Carrier
#2136 DRV8801 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#2595 Logic Level Shifter, 4-Channel, Bidirectional
#2596 TPS2113A Power Multiplexer Carrier with USB Micro-B Connector
#2807 Pololu 4-Channel RC Servo Multiplexer (Partial Kit)
#2815 Big MOSFET Slide Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, HP
#2876 STSPIN220 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
#3764 DRV8434A Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
#3766 DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Potentiometer for Max. Current Limit
#4035 DRV8874 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#4038 DRV8256E Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#4039 DRV8256P Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#4091 5V, 5.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator D36V50F5
#5381 Pololu Reverse Voltage Protector, 4-60V, 12A
#5383 Pololu Ideal Diode Reverse Voltage Protector, 4-60V, 12A