JST SH-Style Connector Boards for Micro Metal Gearmotors

These adapter boards let you add connectors to your single-shaft micro metal gearmotors (not compatible with motors with extended back shaft). They are available with two connector orientation options—back-entry, which is parallel to the motor, and side-entry, which is perpendicular to the motor—and in different pack quantities.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with Back-Entry, 2-Pin JST SH-Style Connector Board.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with Side-Entry, 2-Pin JST SH-Style Connector Board.

Products in category “JST SH-Style Connector Boards for Micro Metal Gearmotors”

Pololu item #: 5096
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

Add connectors to your micro metal gearmotors with these boards that feature back-entry, 2-pin male JST SH-type connectors. These boards are compatible with all of the single-shaft micro metal gearmotors we carry, including the HPCB versions. This product is a 2-pack of connector adapter boards.

Pololu item #: 5097
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

Add connectors to your micro metal gearmotors with these boards that feature back-entry, 2-pin male JST SH-type connectors. These boards are compatible with all of the single-shaft micro metal gearmotors we carry, including the HPCB versions. This product is a 10-pack of connector adapter boards.

Pololu item #: 5098
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

Add connectors to your micro metal gearmotors with these boards that feature side-entry, 2-pin male JST SH-type connectors. These boards are compatible with all of the single-shaft micro metal gearmotors we carry, including the HPCB versions. This product is a 2-pack of connector adapter boards.

Pololu item #: 5099
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

Add connectors to your micro metal gearmotors with these boards that feature side-entry, 2-pin male JST SH-type connectors. These boards are compatible with all of the single-shaft micro metal gearmotors we carry, including the HPCB versions. This product is a 10-pack of connector adapter boards.

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Accessories for Micro Metal Gearmotors
Micro Metal Gearmotors
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