Collaborative Robots

Products in category “Collaborative Robots”

Pololu item #: 5400
Brand: Dobot
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The MG400 by Dobot is a compact 4 degree of freedom (DOF) collaborative robot (cobot) arm capable of ±0.05mm positional repeatability that makes it great for small, low-cost automation applications. Its features include collision detection and drag-to-teach position training. The MG400 weighs 8 kg (17 lb) and has a footprint of 19 cm (7.5 in) square. It has a maximum reach of 44 cm and can rotate through 320°, and it can lift payloads up to 500 g.

Pololu item #: 5403
Brand: RobustMotion
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This gripper fits small cobots such as the Dobot MG400. The simple PNP-type PLC interface can connect directly to the MG400 I/O ports, and it can be mounted using a simple 3D-printed adapter. The gripper weighs 220 g (290 g including cable), has a max stroke of 6 mm (both fingers combined), and has a maximum gripping force of 60 N.

Pololu item #: 5404
Brand: RobustMotion
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This gripper fits small cobots such as the Dobot MG400. The simple PNP-type PLC interface can connect directly to the MG400 I/O ports, and it can be mounted using a simple 3D-printed adapter. Additionally, this version of the gripper supports Modbus RTU over RS-485. The gripper weighs 220 g (290 g including cable), has a max stroke of 6 mm (both fingers combined), and has a maximum gripping force of 60 N.

Pololu item #: 5405
Brand: RobustMotion
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This gripper fits small cobots such as the Dobot MG400. The simple PNP-type PLC interface can connect directly to the MG400 I/O ports, and it can be mounted using a simple 3D-printed adapter. The gripper weighs 320 g (390 g including cable), has a max stroke of 10 mm (both fingers combined), and has a maximum gripping force of 80 N.

Pololu item #: 5406
Brand: RobustMotion
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This gripper fits small cobots such as the Dobot MG400. The simple PNP-type PLC interface can connect directly to the MG400 I/O ports, and it can be mounted using a simple 3D-printed adapter. Additionally, this version of the gripper supports Modbus RTU over RS-485. The gripper weighs 320 g (390 g including cable), has a max stroke of 10 mm (both fingers combined), and has a maximum gripping force of 80 N.

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