Terminal Blocks

Side-by-side comparison of our different terminal blocks with a 0.1″ male header strip for size reference. From left to right: 0.1″ screwless, 0.1″ screw, 3.5 mm screw, and 5 mm screw.


If there is sufficient clearance from nearby components, these terminal blocks can be used with PCB holes intended for standard 0.1" male and female headers, enabling the temporary connection of stripped wires.

These 2-pin and 3-pin terminal blocks can be joined together to make arbitrarily long strips with a pitch of 3.5 mm or 5 mm. Each terminal clamps onto wires and releases them through the simple adjustment of a screw.

These terminal blocks have spring terminals that automatically grip inserted wires and release when their levers are pressed. Blocks can be combined to make longer ones, or segments can be removed to make them shorter.

Products in category “Terminal Blocks”

Pololu item #: 2448
Brand: Generic
Out of stock.

This connector adapts a 5.5 × 2.1 mm DC barrel plug to a pair of screw terminals spaced approximately 5 mm (0.2″) apart. The terminals are labeled positive and negative, with the positive terminal connected to the center contact.

Pololu item #: 2449
Brand: Generic
Out of stock.

This connector adapts a 5.5 × 2.1 mm DC barrel jack to a pair of screw terminals spaced approximately 5 mm (0.2″) apart. The terminals are labeled positive and negative, with the positive terminal connected to the center pin.

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