125:1 Metal Gearmotor 20Dx44L mm 6V CB with Extended Motor Shaft

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Pololu item #: 3717
Brand: Pololu
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant

These small brushed DC gearmotors can deliver a lot of power for their size. This version has a 6V brushed DC motor with long-life carbon brushes combined with a 125:1 metal spur gearbox. The gearmotor is cylindrical with a diameter of 20 mm, and the D-shaped output shaft is 4 mm in diameter and extends 18 mm from the face plate of the gearbox. This version also has a 6 × 2 mm extended motor shaft.

Key specifications:

voltage no-load performance stall extrapolation
6 V 110 RPM, 150 mA 6.4 kg⋅cm (89 oz⋅in), 2.9 A

Note: the gearbox torque limit is 70 oz-in (5 kg-cm); see detailed description for important product limitations.

Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): gear ratio motor type extended motor shaft? Select variant…


20D mm metal gearmotor with precious metal brushes (left) next to a 20D CB version with long-life carbon brushes.

20D mm metal gearmotor precious metal brushes (left) next to 20D 6V CB and 12V CB long-life carbon brushes.

20D mm metal gearmotor CB with long-life carbon brushes.

20D mm metal gearmotor CB with long-life carbon brushes.

20D mm metal gearmotor with precious metal brushes.

20D mm metal gearmotor with precious metal brushes.

20D mm metal gearmotor with precious metal brushes and extended motor shaft.

20D mm metal gearmotor with a univeral aluminum mounting hub and mounted on a 20D mm metal gearmotor bracket.

70×8mm Pololu wheel with 4mm hub adapter installed on a 20D mm metal gearmotor.

Dagu Wild Thumper wheel 120×60mm (metallic red) with Pololu 20D mm metal gearmotor.

Magnetic Encoder Kit for 20D mm Metal Gearmotors assembled on a 20D mm metal gearmotor with extended motor shaft.

Magnetic Encoder Kit for 20D mm Metal Gearmotors assembled on a 20D mm metal gearmotor with extended motor shaft.

Dimensions of the Pololu 20D mm metal gearmotors. Units are mm over [inches]. This diagram only applies to the listed gear ratios.

An assortment of Pololu metal gearmotors.


These cylindrical brushed DC gearmotors are available in a wide range of gear ratios, from 25:1 up to 488:1, and with three different motors: 6 V and 12 V motors with long-life carbon brushes (CB), and a 6 V motor with shorter-life precious metal brushes. All three motors offer similar performances at their respective nominal voltages, just with the 12 V motor drawing approximately half the current of the 6 V motor and with the carbon brush versions having longer lifetimes than the one with precious metal brushes.

The CB versions (shown on the right in the picture below), can be differentiated from versions with precious metal brushes (shown on the left) by their copper-colored terminals.

These gearmotors are optionally available with an additional 2 mm-diameter output shaft that protrudes 6 mm from the rear of the motor (see the middle picture below). This rear shaft rotates at the same speed as the input to the gearbox and offers a way to add an encoder, such as our magnetic encoder for 20D mm metal gearmotors as shown in the right picture below, to provide motor speed or position feedback.

20D mm metal gearmotor CB with long-life carbon brushes.

20D mm metal gearmotor CB with long-life carbon brushes and an extended motor shaft.

Magnetic Encoder Kit for 20D mm Metal Gearmotors assembled on a 20D mm metal gearmotor with extended motor shaft.

The gearmotors all have 20 mm diameter gearboxes and 4 mm diameter gearbox output shafts, so it is generally easy to swap one version for another if your design requirements change (though the length of the gearbox tends to increase with the gear ratio).

Please see the 20D metal gearmotor datasheet (1MB pdf) for more information, including detailed performance graphs for each 6V CB and 12V CB version. You can also use our dynamically sortable 20D metal gearmotor comparison table to search for the version that offers the best combination of speed, torque, and current draw for your particular application. A more basic comparison table is available below:

No-Load Speed
Stall Torque
Max Power

(Gearbox Only)

(Gearbox & Motor)
(kg ⋅ cm) (oz ⋅ in)
12 V long-life
1.6 A 0.08 A 550 1.9 26 2.6 25:1 12V CB 25:1 12V CB dual shaft
450 2.4 33 2.8 31:1 12V CB 31:1 12V CB dual shaft
220 4.6 64 2.6 63:1 12V CB 63:1 12V CB dual shaft
180 5.4 75 2.5 78:1 12V CB 78:1 12V CB dual shaft
140 6.1 85 2.2 100:1 12V CB 100:1 12V CB dual shaft
110 7.8 110 2.2 125:1 12V CB 125:1 12V CB dual shaft
89 9.0 130 2.0 156:1 12V CB 156:1 12V CB dual shaft
72 10 140 1.9 195:1 12V CB 195:1 12V CB dual shaft
55 14 190 2.0 250:1 12V CB 250:1 12V CB dual shaft
44 16 220 1.8 313:1 12V CB 313:1 12V CB dual shaft
36 21 290 1.7 391:1 12V CB 391:1 12V CB dual shaft
28 25 350 1.5 488:1 12V CB 488:1 12V CB dual shaft
6 V long-life
2.9 A 0.15 A 570 1.6 22 2.3 25:1 6V CB 25:1 6V CB dual shaft
450 2.0 28 2.3 31:1 6V CB 31:1 6V CB dual shaft
230 4.0 56 2.4 63:1 6V CB 63:1 6V CB dual shaft
180 4.4 61 2.1 78:1 6V CB 78:1 6V CB dual shaft
140 5.4 75 2.0 100:1 6V CB 100:1 6V CB dual shaft
110 6.4 89 1.9 125:1 6V CB 125:1 6V CB dual shaft
91 7.9 110 1.8 156:1 6V CB 156:1 6V CB dual shaft
73 9.4 130 1.7 195:1 6V CB 195:1 6V CB dual shaft
57 12 170 1.8 250:1 6V CB 250:1 6V CB dual shaft
45 13 180 1.6 313:1 6V CB 313:1 6V CB dual shaft
36 16 220 1.4 391:1 6V CB 391:1 6V CB dual shaft
30 21 290 1.3 488:1 6V CB 488:1 6V CB dual shaft
6 V precious
2.9 A 0.15 A 570 1.6 22 2.3 25:1 6V 25:1 6V dual-shaft
450 2.0 28 2.3 31:1 6V 31:1 6V dual-shaft
230 4.0 56 2.4 63:1 6V 63:1 6V dual-shaft
180 4.4 61 2.1 78:1 6V 78:1 6V dual-shaft
140 5.4 75 2.0 100:1 6V 100:1 6V dual-shaft
110 6.4 89 1.9 125:1 6V 125:1 6V dual-shaft
91 7.9 110 1.8 156:1 6V 156:1 6V dual-shaft
73 9.4 130 1.7 195:1 6V 195:1 6V dual-shaft
57 12 170 1.8 250:1 6V 250:1 6V dual-shaft
45 13 180 1.6 313:1 6V 313:1 6V dual-shaft
36 16 220 1.4 391:1 6V 391:1 6V dual-shaft
30 21 290 1.3 488:1 6V 488:1 6V dual-shaft

Note: Stalling or overloading gearmotors can greatly decrease their lifetimes and even result in immediate damage. In order to avoid damaging the gearbox, we recommend keeping continuously applied loads under 5 kg-cm (75 oz-in) for the versions with carbon brushes (12V CB and 6V CB) and under 3.5 kg-cm (50 oz-in) for the versions with precious metal brushes. Stalls can also result in rapid (potentially on the order of seconds) thermal damage to the motor windings and brushes, especially for motors like this that can deliver a lot of power for their size; a general recommendation for brushed DC motors is to limit continuous current to approximately 25% of the stall current.

In general, these kinds of motors can run at voltages above and below their nominal voltages; lower voltages might not be practical, and higher voltages could start negatively affecting the life of the motor.

Details for item #3717

Exact gear ratio: ``(28×28×28×25×25×25) / (14×14×14×10×10×10) = bb(125:1)``

These small brushed DC gearmotors can deliver a lot of power for their size. This version has a 6V brushed DC motor with long-life carbon brushes combined with a 125:1 metal spur gearbox. The gearmotor is cylindrical with a diameter of 20 mm, and the D-shaped output shaft is 4 mm in diameter and extends 18 mm from the face plate of the gearbox. This version also has a 6 × 2 mm extended motor shaft.

Key specifications:

voltage no-load performance stall extrapolation
6 V 110 RPM, 150 mA 6.4 kg⋅cm (89 oz⋅in), 2.9 A

Note: the gearbox torque limit is 70 oz-in (5 kg-cm); see detailed description for important product limitations.


The diagram below shows the dimensions of the 20D mm line of metal gearmotors (units are mm over [inches]). This diagram is also available as a downloadable PDF (99k pdf).

Dimensions of the Pololu 20D mm metal gearmotors. Units are mm over [inches]. This diagram only applies to the listed gear ratios.

Warning: Do not screw too far into the mounting holes as the screws can hit the gears. We recommend screwing no more than 3.5 mm (0.14″) into the M2.5 mounting holes.

Gearmotor accessories

Pololu 20D mm metal gearmotor bracket pair with included hardware.

20D mm metal gearmotor with a univeral aluminum mounting hub and mounted on a 20D mm metal gearmotor bracket.

80×10mm Pololu Multi-Hub Wheel installed on the 4mm D-shaft of a 20D mm metal gearmotor.

70×8mm Pololu wheel with 4mm hub adapter installed on a 20D mm metal gearmotor.

Alternatively, you could use our 4mm scooter wheel adapter to mount many common scooter, skateboard, and inline skate wheels to the gearmotor’s output shaft as shown in the left picture below. For a general-purpose hex adapter, consider our 12mm hex wheel adapter, which lets you use this motor with many common hobby RC wheels as shown in the right picture below.

A 20D mm gearmotor connected to a scooter wheel by the 4 mm scooter wheel adapter.

12mm Hex Wheel Adapter for 4mm Shaft on a 20D mm metal gearmotor.

Magnetic Encoder Kit for 20D mm Metal Gearmotors assembled on a 20D mm metal gearmotor with extended motor shaft.

Magnetic Encoder Kit for 20D mm Metal Gearmotors assembled on a 20D mm metal gearmotor with extended motor shaft.

Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver Shield for Arduino.

VNH5019 motor driver carrier.

MP6550 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier.

If you are looking for higher-level control interfaces, such as USB, RC, analog voltages, I²C, or TTL serial, consider our Motoron motor controllers, Jrk motor controllers, or RoboClaw motor controllers; these controllers are available in various power levels several of which can handle the 20D mm metal gearmotors (we generally recommend a motor controller that can handle continuous currents above the stall current of your motor).

Three Motoron M3H550 controllers being controlled by a Raspberry Pi.

Jrk G2 21v3 USB Motor Controller with Feedback.

RoboClaw 2×7A Motor Controller (V5B) in its included case.

ACS711EX current sensor carrier -15.5A to +15.5A.

ACS724LLCTR-05AB Current Sensor Carrier -5A to +5A.

Selecting the Right Gearmotor

We offer a wide selection of metal gearmotors that offer different combinations of speed and torque. Our metal gearmotor comparison table can help you find the motor that best meets your project’s requirements.


Size: 20D × 46.2L mm1
Weight: 46 g
Shaft diameter: 4 mm2

General specifications

Gear ratio: 125:1
No-load speed @ 6V: 110 rpm
No-load current @ 6V: 0.15 A
Stall current @ 6V: 2.9 A3
Stall torque @ 6V: 6.4 kg·cm3
Max output power @ 6V: 1.9 W
Extended motor shaft?: Y
Long-life carbon brushes?: Y
Motor type: 2.9A stall @ 6V CB (carbon brush)

Performance at maximum efficiency

Max efficiency @ 6V: 30 %
Speed at max efficiency: 93 rpm
Torque at max efficiency: 1.2 kg·cm
Current at max efficiency: 0.62 A
Output power at max efficiency: 1.1 W


Not including output shafts; output shafts add 24 mm to the total length.
D shaft.
Stalling is likely to damage the gearmotor. Stall parameters come from a theoretical extrapolation of performance at loads far from stall. As the motor heats up, as happens as it approaches an actual stall, the stall torque and current decrease.

File downloads

Frequently-asked questions

Is it okay to stall this motor at its operating voltage?

No! Stalls can result in rapid (potentially on the order of seconds) thermal damage to the motor windings and brushes; a general recommendation for brushed DC motor operation is 25% or less of the stall current, which means keeping continuously applied loads around 25% or less of the stall torque.

Additionally, for many of our gearmotors with high gear ratios, the extrapolated stall torque is beyond what the gearboxes are designed to handle, and a stall could instantly damage the gears. Make sure to keep applied loads within the published limits for your gearmotor.

What do the dotted lines mean in the motor performance curves from the datasheet?
In our motor performance curves, the solid lines show the regions where we actually took measurements while the dotted lines show extrapolations beyond that. For many motors, we took measurements out to about 50% of the stall torque, since continued operation at loads past this point increasingly risk thermal damage to the windings. However, for higher gear ratios, going to 50% of the stall torque exceeds what is safe for the gearbox, so the measurements are further limited to not much past our recommendation for continuously applied loads.
What material is the gearbox output shaft made of, and can I get the shaft customized?
The shaft is composed of hardened stainless steel. Some customization is generally possible (e.g., different length or no D-shaft) for sufficiently high-volume orders. If this is something you are interested in, please email us.

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