SN754410 Motor Driver IC

Pololu item #: 24
Brand: Texas Instruments
Status: Discontinued at Pololu 

This product has been discontinued.

This TI SN754410 motor driver features two H-bridges that can be used for bidirectional control of two DC motors or to control a single stepper motor. It operates from 4.5 to 36 V and can deliver a peak current of 1 A per channel (the continuous current you can deliver depends on how well you can keep the driver IC cool).

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The SN754410NE from Texas Instruments is a quadruple half-H driver that can be used for bidirectional control of two DC motors or to control a single bipolar stepper motor. You can use this item as a replacement part, to stack on an existing motor controller, or to make your own motor or other high-current device controller.

This integrated motor driver has the same pinout as the L293 that is popular in robotics applications, and the SN754410NE has the additional benefits of built-in protection diodes across the power transistors and output current capability of 1 A per driver. For even higher current applications, it is possible to physically stack two devices on top of each other to get almost 2 A of drive current, though we recommend you use a higher power driver in those cases, such as our DRV8835 dual motor driver carrier or DRV8833 dual motor driver carrier.

TI SN754410 (16-pin DIP) next to the DRV8835 dual motor driver carrier (14-pin DIP) for size reference.

Note: This chip requires additional circuitry to work and it is shipped without documentation. You can find the datasheet under the resources tab.

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