Hand Tools »
Crimping Tool: 0.08-0.5 mm² Capacity, 20-28 AWG
This crimping tool can be used to crimp both male and female versions of our JST RCY connector crimp pins, JR crimp pins, Futaba J crimp pins, and crimp pins for 0.1″ housings onto 20-28 AWG wires to make custom cables. The crimping die has a width of 4 mm, and the tool offers ratcheting action for increased consistency and ease of use.
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Recommended links
Check Points for Correct Crimping (pdf)
This useful inspection chart by JST shows properties of good and bad crimp connections to look out for.
Short video tutorial on how to make custom cables (by customer Derek Molloy)
This video, created by customer Derek Molloy, discusses various options for making custom cables with our crimp connector housings, such as by using our pre-crimped wires or crimping your own with our wider crimping tool, though the same technique works with our narrower crimping tool as well. The section on using the crimping tool starts at around 4:15.
Short video tutorial on how to use the Pololu crimping tool (by Proto-PIC)
This video, created by our distributor, Proto-PIC, shows how to use our wider crimping tool, though the same technique works with our narrower crimping tool as well.